Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Process Update: No Sentencia today

I know many people have been keeping us in their thoughts and prayers for Sentencia today. Our liaison Helena called about 2:00pm to say that the judge has not signed the papers as of this morning. She’s signing lots of papers, and just hasn’t gotten to ours yet. Our lawyer will go to the court again in the morning and see if they were signed this afternoon.

In an effort to comfort myself, I made an appointment at a local spa to get my hair cut tomorrow (for 18,000 pesos - about $10). If it’s not a great cut, at least my hair will be shorter and it will be much less than I pay at home!

Isabella has had a cold and is feeling better. She ate a huge lunch, including 3 strips of maduros (fried sweet plantains) - she loved them. Esteban met some American kids at the park this am and had a great time playing with the 5 yo little girl. My mom is getting Isabella’s cold, so she’s not feeling great.

I’m taking things in stride – no vomit on me (yet) today, both kids napping at the same time, and decent Internet access – so things are relatively good. Food is good here at the hotel (we moved back to the Halifax on Sunday), beds are comfy and warm, and all are in better shape, I think. Upon our return to the hotel, I am reminded that there are really wonderful families here from all over the world, and it's good to have the support of people in similar situations (long court waits, getting to know babies/children new to your family) and a wonderfully helpful staff (who didn't flinch at all when Isabella vomited all over a chair in the playroom yesterday, for example).

I'm working on Week 6 photos, so those should post soon. Will keep you posted on the Sentencia saga.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard being ready to come home but not knowing when you can. Looks like you are able to find the blessings in the small things in life. I remember being thankful that at least I could get my hair cut for $2.00. (And a really good cut, too, including a shave with a straight razor!) The plantain chips aren't bad, either.
