Saturday, November 20, 2010

Isabella's Visa and Tickets Home!

It was nice to sleep in a little on Friday, and to wash and hang the last two loads of laundry we will wash here (hopefully!). Reynel picked me up at 10:15am, as promised, to take me to the US Embassy to pick up Isabella's visa. Esteban had a little screaming fit as I was leaving, though I know Grandma Dawn handled it like a pro. Reynel took me to the Embassy and walked me to the gate. On Fridays, the Embassy has administrative days, so there were only about 20 people outside the gate - such a marked difference from Thursday! I couldn't take any photos of the Embassy because they don't allow it - no cameras inside. I went to the gate, told them I had an appointment, and they opened the door for me. I walked right in, to the window to which I was directed, and waited about 2 minutes for someone to come see me. They brought me Isabella's visa, I checked it to be sure it was all correct, and they handed me the big envelope of documents for US Immigration when we re-enter the US - and wished me congratulations. I walked back out and was back at the hotel about an hour after I left. We celebrated with a walk to the park before lunch!

After lunch, we walked to the Delta office (about 16 blocks) to change our tickets. In true Bogota fashion, our walk encompassed at least three different kinds of weather - sun, sprinkles, and downpour. Luckily, we got to the Delta office just in time for the downpour, and it was finished before we headed home. We got all of our tickets changed (Isabella's actually doesn't have a date, so it didn't have to be changed) to fly together from Bogota to Atlanta to Boston on Monday 11/22. My mom will fly on to Seattle on Tuesday afternoon. I am so thankful that my mom can fly with me and the kids to Boston - I cannot imagine managing both kids, all their stuff and mine, and customs and immigration by myself!

I got my hair cut - finally - yesterday before dinner. When I left to get my haircut Esteban told me that he wasn't going to cry and that he would miss me. So sweet! We had found a spa a few blocks away that looked nice and I went there. It was a little more expensive (51,000 pesos / about $28) than some places around here - but well worth it. I got a nice wash, a great cut (the short style I wanted before I left Massachusetts - rather than the chop job I got), and a nice styling - all by a sweet young man. Esteban told me I looked very stylish when I got back to the hotel. Grandma managed the kids while I was gone, though Isabella was really overtired by the time I got back. She doesn't like to take her bottle from Grandma and was not happy having a bath with Grandma because it's not her usual routine.
Speaking of Isabella, she now has 2 teeth (the bottom center) and seems to be working on some more. She also is really enjoying this walker, the likes of which have all been recalled in the US. It took her about 4 days to figure out how to walk herself around and now she can go from room to room (on the main floor, of course) all by herself.

1 comment:

  1. What a relief to finally have that visa and those airplane tickets in hand! You're almost home! Cheers!
