Saturday, September 18, 2010

Adventures at the Travel Clinic

We had a family outing to see the travel nurse on Tuesday afternoon. I picked up Esteban from day care and Julien from work, and we all traipsed to the clinic. Kind of fun and unusual for us all to see the nurse at the same time, so that helped keep Esteban's usual terror of doctors at bay. Mom and Dad got their blood pressure and pulse taken - fascinating for Esteban to watch. Esteban got weighed (he's gained 1 lb in the last month!). All good fun.

The nurse talked with us about what immunizations we needed. As expected, Esteban is the best immunized of us all! Even so, he needed one shot and Julien and I each needed two. The nurse left the room to get the immunizations, and Julien and I had a brief conversation (mostly sign language) about who should get their shot first so Esteban wouldn't be too terrified.

As the nurse came back in the room, Esteban saw what was in her hand and said, "Oh, goody, pencils. I want to go first!" So, he sat on my lap, and he went first. He's never had shots in his arm before, so he wanted to know why I was taking his shirt off. The needle going in didn't really register - but by the time she took it out, he was howling. He then sat on Daddy's lap while Mommy got her shots. By the time it was Daddy's turn, he was pretty much done crying.

We all had sore arms for a day or two, but have fully recovered. Esteban is now telling me about us all getting our shots and how it hurt. Seems like he's probably not scarred for life :-)

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