Friday, October 22, 2010

Julien's adventure at home

Julien has had quite an adventure at home. He arrived home to all the house systems (heat, hot water) set for vacation - and promptly turned everything back on. He awoke Wednesday morning to find that the overflow valve on the hot water heater had broken or stuck open - and the basement had 2" of water in it! He spent his one re-adjustment day dealing with that crisis! Luckily, it was a sunny day and many things could get put outside in the sun to dry. Many boxes of papers (which I'd been meaning to go through, really) got wet and may not be salvageable. Oh well, who needs those class notes from undergrad anyway?


  1. ah the boxes.... after 20 years just throw them out. Check for pictures first.

  2. It's actually the papers I wrote on a Mac that I want to save because I'll never be able to read the 5.25" disks again!

  3. In my case, it's not boxes of papers (I go through my one box of old paperwork every so often - eventually, I'll get up the nerve to throw out all my old military paperwork besides my awards and discharge papers) - it's the stack of old hard drives from dead or replaced computers!

    I need to get them hooked up before motherboards stop coming with the port for the oldest ones . . . or acknowledge that I don't really need anything off of them and smash them.
