Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Week 4 - Part 2
I think I’ve said before that Isabella is a very active baby. She was already sitting independently when we got her, and she is just getting stronger every day. She was able to rotate herself on her tummy and while sitting, and to scoot backward from these positions as well. On Sunday 10/24, she figured out how to get herself from a sitting position to almost on her front, with one leg under her. By the end of the week, she has figured out how to get herself fully onto her front – with both legs out straight.
On Monday, la Doctora, the pediatrician who makes house/hotel calls (we met her with Esteban) came to see Isabella. Isabella needs some immunizations and we needed the doctor to see her first. The doctor walked into the apartment, looked at me, and said, “I know you.” She remembered me from when Esteban was a baby! She looked at Isabella’s health record, examined her, and pronounced her healthy and strong. Always things a parent likes to hear! She said she would have to check on how we get the immunizations done and would call later to let us know.
On Wednesday, we tried to go to Divercity at the SantaFe mall on the north side of Bogotá. Translated from their brochure: “Divercity is an amusement park where boys and girls between 3 and 13 years pretend to be adults in more than 45 attractions while learning the concepts of how a city. Divercity is a realistic replica of all that exists in a city.” Kids can pretend to be many different professions. On Wednesday, they were full up with school groups and told us to come back on Thursday. I think I was more disappointed than Esteban that we couldn’t get in. We went back on Thursday and he and I went in while Grandma Dawn and Isabella strolled in the mall. It was pretty great! It still had lots of kids inside, and all the attractions had lines. Esteban was pretty overwhelmed and overstimulated (I was too!) by the noise and everything to look at. Mostly we walked around and looked at the attractions, sat in the “park” and watched the fountain while eating popcorn, and played in the ball pit. I think it would be really great for 7 or 8 year olds – really a bit much for my just-3 year old. Esteban was so overstimulated that it took the rest of the day for him to calm down.
Random thoughts
* I miss church! I haven’t been to a service since we left home, and I really miss it. The church bells ring here every day (3 masses on weekdays, 5 on Saturday, and 6 on Sunday) and remind me that I’m missing worship and quiet time. Maybe we'll make it to an All Saints service this weekend.
* I need a laminated prayer card for the shower – it’s the only time I have to be alone, quiet and reflect!
* Routine is good for everyone! the kids need predictable meals and naps, and so do I!
* I’m really feeling the isolation of being here for nearly a month! I feel done with the adventure and ready to go home – or at least to re-connect with friends.
Process update
Week 4 - Part 1
A. A whole week of no blog posts!
So, here I sit at 3:00pm on Saturday, still not sure if the Internet will cooperate to post this, but taking advantage of good nap times to write a week’s worth of updates. The Internet has been sporadic this week. The TelMex tech came yesterday to fix it, and it’s mostly better. At least the phone to the US is working again! I’ll start with last weekend and make my way to the present.
Because both kids are well-rested, our best pics usually are first thing in the morning – before anyone is dressed!
Esteban is a great big brother
He only calls the fire department (on a pretend phone) about once a week to take Isabella (or me, or Grandma Dawn) away.
Week 2 photos
After much wrangling with the Internet, photos from week 2 are finally posted here. There are about 85 because it was a very busy week with ICBF, Esteban’s birthday, grandparents and several day trips. Working on Week 3 now.
Last Weekend
There were more blocks than Esteban could fathom, and he built and destroyed several castles after lunch. Then we went outside, visited the horses and cows, and then rolled down the hill. By then the kids were about to melt down from lack of naps, so we headed home (around 4:15). It was a delightful way to spend an afternoon – gracious, interesting people, good food and a beautiful setting that was quiet and away from the city.
On Sunday, we walked for Ciclovia. We got a late start, and headed for Park 93 – about 40 long blocks. It was a healthy walk! We got to the park in time to play a little before it started to rain. We took refuge in the Juan Valdez coffee shop until the shower ended, and then played a little more at the (now empty) park. As we were heading toward a main street to get a ta
The Rainy Season
We’re finding that most days now start out not raining – not always sunny, though sometimes it is, but not raining – and then the rain starts by about 1:00pm and continues intermittently through the evening and sometimes overnight. We are trying to get out and about in the morning to take advantage of non-rainy times to go to the park, etc. As I understand it, October is the rainiest, and we should gradually see more sun and less rain as we get into November.
It has taken me all day to get this uploaded - between Internet issues with the attachments and expected child/life interruptions.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Julien's adventure at home
We have a court assignment!
We found out our court assignment on Wednesday, but I'm not sure when it was actually assigned. The person at CRAN who can tell us was out at the end of last week, and Monday was a holiday here (Columbus Day). At this point, it just feels good to know the paperwork is in the system!
It's been quite a week
Wednesday and Thursday have melded into a blur. Some firsts from those days:
- We discovered that Isabella really likes feeding herself. She has just about mastered getting baby "puffs" into her mouth on the first try. She likes feeding herself so much that she doesn't like to open her mouth for the spoon.
- Isabella also likes to feed herself pandeyuca (bread made from yuca aka cassava and cheese) and french fries.
- There is a sandbox in the park across the street, which required us to get some sand toys for Esteban to play with.
- Esteban has gone pee in the big potty (standing up!) twice! We've been talking about potty training for months, and relaxed all efforts when we knew we were coming to Colombia soon - so this is a big step!
- Sabeth has realized that she may never get anything done (like blogging or watching her DVDs) in the evening if Esteban refuses to go to sleep before 10pm!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Salt Cathedral
It's amazing to see how both kids are adjusting every day. Esteban is already calmer here at the apartment, with his own toys and own space to play in. That doesn't mean he isn't having tantrums about other things, but he is calmer and eating better. Isabella is connecting more with us all the time, though we discovered that she doesn't like to go to sleep alone. We think she probably shared a room with other babies in her foster home. Since we were all together in the hotel room, we didn't notice it before.
Tomorrow we're hoping to get out and walk again for Cyclovia (when they close the streets to autos on Sunday) and go to the flea market at Usaquen with Grandmas Dawn and Ana. Then, we hope to go to lunch at the Halifax, where they may be having empanadas!
We moved to an apartment
Friday, October 15, 2010
Coffee Plantation Trip
After the coffee plantation tour, we had a delicious lunch at a nearby restaurant. Esteban discovered that he loves fresh arepas (small corn meal cakes) grilled and buttered.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Esteban's Birthday and ICBF visit #1
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Another sunny day
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Days 4 and 5 (ups and downs)
The ups have been much more pronounced. Isabella showed us her giggle yesterday. She has this great baby laugh that is infectious. She is expecially ticklish under her arms. She is also very social and gives excited vocalizations when she meets new people. She also loves to be held and played with. Her favorite is to be held upside down. She is also enamored with her brother and smiles when he is playing near her.
We are starting to gell as a family and look forward to the next week and a half to keep bonding before Julien goes back to Boston and to work.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Days 2 and 3
Our first night together was a little rough. Understandably, Isabella was scared with new people in a new bed and place. None of us slept much that first night. As a result, Day 2 was a little bleary. We got out for a walk to the park after breakfast. As we were leaving the park the clouds started to rumble, and everyone who was outside was dashing for cover. We had about a 15 minute walk back to the hotel, and it was pouring rain by the time we got back. We all needed to put on dry clothes and get warmed up when we got back. After lunch the children and Julien all napped, while the heavens opened for more rain.
The hotel offered us a room in the main building yesterday (we had been in a courtyard room), so while everyone else napped I moved us to our new digs. The main building is warmer, the room is bigger, and it has more windows. Esteban even has a twin bed instead of a crib. (I think he was a bit insulted by being put in a crib.)
Yesterday afternoon we had a chance to visit with some friends who are also here adopting their second child. We met briefly when we both here adopting our first babies 2 years ago, and it’s a wonderful coincidence that we are here again at the same time. They have their sentencia (final adoption decree) and were scheduled to fly home to the US today, so our overlapping time here is really short. It was great to see them and to introduce all our children to one another.
Apparently it’s been about 2 weeks since there was a sunny day (it IS the rainy season) and everyone was out and about today. Our friends who were supposed to fly home today called this morning to say their flight had been cancelled and they are leaving tomorrow instead. So we met them at the Chico Park and had a great time visiting more and the almost-3-year-olds got to feed the ducks and play on the playground while the littler ones napped. We said our final, final good-byes and wish them a speedy and safe trip home tomorrow.
At one point this afternoon, Esteban called the fire department (on his play phone) and asked for the professional movers to come take Isabella away. Obviously, we are all still adjusting ☺
We’re still having some technological challenges (my computer’s older wireless adapter doesn’t like the brand new wireless network here in the hotel) so we’re hoping we’ll get that all fixed tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Gotcha Day
We arrived at CRAN and were taken into the office building. To get to the office building, we walked down about 100 stairs and past lots of children who were playing. Many of the kids greeted us with “Buenas Dias.” We met with the adoptions director to sign the most basic paperwork, and then with Isabella’s foster mother to learn about her habits, likes and dislikes. Our biggest surprise of the day was to find out that Isabella and Esteban had the same foster mother! We were so delighted to see her – and she was amazed to see Esteban so big. She gave us all the details on Isabella and we made sure to take a picture with her and Esteban. We feel so blessed to know that both our children had such good care with her.
Then we went back to the family room and waited. Esteban was feeling shy and didn’t want to go by himself to help get Isabella, so he stayed with us. We didn’t wait long for them to bring Isabella to us. She came right to us and was very fascinated by Esteban, who took a few minutes to warm up to her. We had about 20 minutes in the family room getting acquainted, and then we all got back in the taxi to come back to the hotel.
It’s good to be in a familiar place (the Halifax Hotel), especially since we arrived later than we planned. It helps to know where to find the grocery store, and to know how wonderful and supportive the hotel staff is.
Throughout the day Esteban has gradually gotten more excited about Isabella. He is loving entertaining her, and helping with her. He was reading one of his favorite books to her at bedtime tonight.
Now I have to post this so Julien can get to the daddy duty of washing bottles!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Getting adjusted
[after dinner]
Julien was able to find out from the airline that they think his bag will arrive in Bogota early tomorrow.
We made it!
Only 23 hours after we left home, we arrived at our hotel in Bogota – at about 7:00 this morning. Nothing like full overnight flights with a cranky and excited almost-3-year-old to make you feel like the worst parent on the plane because your child is just crying inexplicably and won’t stop.
To top it off, somewhere in the changing airlines, one suitcase didn’t make it all the way here with us. In the grand scheme of things, only 1 of 5 isn’t bad for the kind of travel day we had yesterday – but it’s the one with Julien’s clothes and my dress for the presentation tomorrow, Julien’s razor, and my toiletry kit. If it can’t be located in the next two hours, Julien will be off to find some new clothes for tomorrow. Luckily, I packed another dress in a different bag.
Mix lack of sleep with less oxygen (Bogota is at about 8500 feet altitude) and we are really looking forward to lunch and a nap. Esteban is already out – he fell asleep on the way to our favorite park. We took a little stroll around the neighborhood, remembering places we went last time we were here. Now we’re just waiting for lunch, which is served at the fashionable hour of 1:00pm.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Travel Chaos
We started this morning with the greatest hopes for smooth travel and easy connections. Our ride picked us up on time (Thanks, D!), we checked our perfectly packed bags (exactly 50 lbs each) without a hitch, and arrived at our gate with plenty of time to get our seats changed so we would all be sitting together (instead of in 3 completely different rows). Esteban and Julien went off to buy some bottled waters, and by the time they came back to the gate area 10 minutes later all had changed! Our plane was being maintenance and needed a part that wouldn’t be available for HOURS! Needless to say, we would miss our connection to Bogota.
Once again, Delta agents have overdone themselves to help us figure out the best way to get where we need to go. After almost two hours of waiting (first in line and then with a ticketing agent), we finally are re-booked to fly on a different airline to a different hub this evening, to take a red-eye flight to Bogota that arrives at 5:00am! At least we are getting there! If the Patriots weren’t playing in Miami for Monday Night Football this week, our re-booking would have been much easier – but every flight south out of Boston is booked this afternoon and evening.
So, thanks to Delta’s hospitality, we are passing a couple of hours in the airport Hilton in Boston before we go back to the airport to FINALLY board the first leg of our flights. Hopefully, this is the biggest, first and last hitch in our Colombia adventure this time around!